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"Nothing Feels Better or Has Longer Lasting Results Than a  RiversZen Private Session" Accelerate your results to lose weight, eliminate pain, move better (like getting up and down off of the floor), build strength, increase flexibility and live a long, fit, healthy and happy life!

Is It Time to Take Your Health and Fitness to the Next Level? 

A Highly Customized One-on-One Private Appointment Will Help You To...

Improve Strength and Flexibility

Lose Weight

Eliminate or Reduce Pain

Improve Athletic Performance

Move Better

Stay Healthy and Be Happy

It's Your Blueprint For Success!

FREE Consultation Strategy Session

The best way for us to help you to determine your best path forward is to get together for a no obligation consultation/strategy session. This can be done on the phone, by zoom or in person.

To schedule simply give us a call at
or send an email to 

Before Your Session

Your main job is to relax, take a deep breath, show up and have an idea of what you are looking to accomplish. Don't worry we won't bite. Seriously, no obligation, we want to help

During Your Session

We'll ask some questions, perform a full evaluation of your current fitness and health.  We'll share with you specific easy, effective, proven solutions for your lifestyle and body requirements

After Your Session

You will have a plan of action that will help you achieve massive results going forward. You'll know exactly what you need to do to make the changes in your life you seek.

About RiversZen Private Sessions

20 years ago we discovered simple, easy and effective techniques to heal our broken bodies and spirits. Since then we've worked with thousands of people of all different shapes and sizes and helped them to move better, stay healthy and be happy! We'd love to help you too.

Why They Recommend Having a Free Strategy Session

We can tell you all day long how amazing and effective private sessions with RiversZen Master Trainers can be, but there is no better proof than what our clients have to say!



She Can Now Hike, Jog, Play Golf or Swim Without Pain! "Probably the best part is the personalization, they realize that no one plan fits all. I have done many programs and know that this is something I can stick with. The support and the accountability that I get from them and the others is amazing."



"I've had many sessions using every modality you can imagine. The doctors had thrown up their hands and told me I would need to learn to live with the pain. Those days are now behind me due to RiversZen. For the first time in decades I feel totally in control of my own health!"


Executive Assistant

"High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure Totally Turned Around. 7 months with RiversZen  "The results are better than good... they are amazing. On top of that I can easily pick something up from the floor, I know It sounds silly but it's huge. I sleep better. I eat better."

What Are You Waiting For? Let’s Feel Better NOW!